We could really use some mercy today. We all need God’s mercy. Jesus made a promise that
anybody who would ask Him for mercy, they would receive it. Many people are oblivious as to
why they would even ask. Most people are more concerned about how God offends them than
how they offend God. For many years I would hear people say, “If that is how God is, then
forget it. I do not want anything to do with Him.” I have said many times, “Be careful of what you
say, it just may happen.” If you do not want anything to do with God, He does not force Himself
upon anybody as an act of love.
How our society has become obstinate and even hateful to the one who is love. Nonetheless,
Jesus still offers Himself for their salvation. He is still willing to give Himself totally for them. Not
even a pact with the devil himself and all it entails could annul the grace of the cross and
resurrection for them. Yes, you read that right, not even worship of satan or lucifer (yes, I meant
little s and little l) can keep the mercy of God at bay. “It” is just a creature. The only obstacle to
God’s mercy is when the person denies God at death. His mercy is more powerful than any sins
or multitude of sins, no matter how large or how many.
All we need at the hour of our death is to beg God for mercy. No misery can block God’s mercy.
In fact, the more a person is in misery, the more God is attentive to their needs, especially when
they ask. But the mercy is not about wanting more money or to serve our wants. God is not a
candy dispenser God. He should not be treated as an object to be used. That is why He does
not answer some prayers. God only gives what is good, and what is good for you.
Bottom line is that Jesus wants you in heaven for eternity. He would do anything He could to get
you there, yet without being used or manipulated. Being honest with God, then, is of utmost
importance. There is no need or motivation with Him to have false pretenses or to try to be
something you’re not. He knows everything about you. He created you and sustains you in
being. This means that He began your existence and makes sure you continually exist. He
knows all your thoughts and feelings. He knows it before you even experience it. He even
knows all possibilities for you and everybody in the future. This same all powerful and all-
knowing God wants to show you His love and mercy.
When we make a mess of things, we can admit it and He will be merciful to us. When we are
fearful, we can tell Him and He will calm our fears. When we are in need, we can tell Him and
He will supply those needs according to His plans. How wonderful it is to know that if I ask for
something that is not good for me, He will not grant it. It truly is an act of mercy not to grant it.
This means I do not have to worry about things that may harm me, including my own will. St
Faustina would complain to Jesus many times that she was “misery itself.” I love Jesus’
response. He did not say, “Oh, that is ok, you’re really a wonderful person.” No, rather He
admitted her misery and continued to console her that He would always be there for her.
How simple this makes everything. Simply trust in our good God. Thank Him and ask Him for
mercy. Praise God!