We are taking registrations for Religious Education. Forms can be picked up anytime in the breezeway at St Joseph Church, or at the Religious Education office Monday and Tuesday morning from 8:30am until noon, or you can call 815-233-0005 to arrange to pick up the forms. Forms along with payment must be returned as soon as possible. For all children preparing for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, we must have a copy of their Baptism Certificate.
Included with the forms is a photo permission sheet allowing us to put photos of your child/children in the bulletin. There is also a Reopening Information Sheet for Parents. We would ask that you please carefully read this as these are rules that we must follow.
Everyone that comes into the building will be required to wear a mask. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival. We are in need of people to help us to take temperatures, and to monitor the halls to ensure that physical distancing in hallways, bathrooms, stairways, and throughout the building is maintained. Traffic patterns will be different and changes might have to be made. There will be hand sanitizer in every room. All desks and/or chairs will be facing the same direction at a safe distance. You will not be allowed to bring food in. You will only be allowed to fill water bottles and not drink out of the water fountain.
The first day of class is September 13, 2020. This will be held at 9:00am in the Holy Family Community Center. There will be more information to come. This will be a family session. Come to the orientation, meet the teachers, and learn along with us what is new this year and what the school year will look like.
— Ann Peters, CRE