Venerable Augustus Tolton Puts Focus on Black Catholic Insight Into Holiness

Peter Jesserer Smith
CHICAGO — Pope Francis’ June 12 decree declaring Father Augustus Tolton “Venerable,” signifying that the priest’s heroic virtues are worthy of honor by the universal Church, struck Jim Coleman as both “unbelievable, yet believable.”
For the past six months, Coleman, an acting veteran of 30 years, has been taking up the role of Father Augustus Tolton for St. Luke Productions. Coleman, who’s immersed himself in Venerable Tolton’s life to prepare for…

Why the Catholic Bible

Aug 31, 2015

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Jesus said that the truth will set you free. Jesus gave us the magisterium to ensure that the truth would be preserved so that we can take advantage of this promise. The truth then can prove to be the wisdom of God and everything noble. We have the fullness of the truth in the Catholic Church. Rejoice!