Charismatic Day of Renewal:

“What Would Jesus Have ME Do?” (WWJD?) And How Will He Help Me Do It? 

April 27, 2019, from 8:30AM – 3:30PM
St Patrick Church, Parish Center, 236 Kelley Dr, Rochelle, IL

Sponsored by Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Diocese of Rockford and featuring Father Bob Miller and Dr. Mark Nimo. Registration fee is $10/person or $25/family. Please bring a sack lunch. For more info call Linda at 815-264-3240, or email

The Symbolism in St Joseph Church #3

Jesus leads us through the storms of this life: all our uncertainties, sufferings and joys, both individually and communally. Sometimes we “see how strong the wind {is, we} become frightened” (Mt 14:30) and start wondering why He is leading us to such turbulent territory. We question if He is even leading us or if He cares. But He has the helm. He has His boat under control. He is leading His Church to the safety of the dock. The winds and the waves may be pushing this old barc and our very lives around, but we still have nothing to fear as Jesus is the one who leads us. He is the one who saves us (Mt 14:30-31). Continue reading “The Symbolism in St Joseph Church #3”

Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour of Healing

Are you hurting? Do you need quiet reflection time? Time alone with Jesus? Join us for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service on Friday, December 7, at 5:00pm in St Mary Church.

Month of the Holy Rosary

October is known as the Month of the Holy Rosary. This tradition was promoted by the Blessed Virgin Mary in the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. She wanted everybody to pray the Rosary for peace. At the time when the three children saw the Blessed Virgin, World War I, also known as the Great War, was in full swing. Our Lady predicted the end of the war through people praying the Rosary. She said that the Rosary had the power to end wars. But she did not just predict that the Great War would end, she said that it would end soon, but if the people did not repent, there would be an even more devastating world war to follow.  Continue reading “Month of the Holy Rosary”

Our Lady of Fatima Coming Soon

Having Our Lady of Fatima Statue coming here to Freeport is such a blessing! Many graces come with this statue. But what does it mean?
First of all, we have to make it clear that this statue is not what we are worshipping, nor do we worship Mary. When you take a step back and see what the purpose of Our Lady appearing in Fatima was, we find Our Lady is offended because people are no longer worshipping Jesus or following His ways. Sacrilege was a whole way of life. Atheism, with anti-religion thought, was causing so much war, death and persecutions in society, Our Lord Jesus sent Mary to save the souls who were on the verge of Hell. When we look at this fact, we see that Mary is truly leading people to her Son Jesus. She has in her heart the heart of her Son. She illustrates for us that she is really alive – that we are not talking to the dead, but the living (Mk 12:27). Our Lady came as a warning to souls who reject Jesus or are lukewarm to Him. Continue reading “Our Lady of Fatima Coming Soon”

Bible, Acts of the Apostles #16

The last half of Chapter 19 proves the difficulty in the change of culture that needed to happen for people to come to faith in Jesus Christ. A silversmith named Demetrius complained about how Paul was refuting his work, saying that his work was useless. Paul said he made false idols for worship, and that the works of human hands were not gods at all. That would mean Demetrius would be out of a job. A riot was almost started. It was so dangerous, the faithful made sure Paul would not come out and preach. It took some effort for the town clerk to convince the people to do everything through the legal system and not start a riot, which could have put everyone in danger. Continue reading “Bible, Acts of the Apostles #16”